Adult and Aging Commission Agenda

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Meeting Information

In-Person Location

9750 Business Park Drive, Ste. 104,
Conference Room 1, Sacramento, CA 95827
(free parking available; ring bell if door is closed)


Remote Access

Join ZoomGov Meeting

Meeting ID: 161 555 0792
Passcode: 187907

One tap mobile:
+16692545252,,1615550792# US (San Jose)
+14154494000,,1615550792# US (US Spanish Line)

Dial by your location:

• +1 669 254 5252 US (San Jose)
• +1 415 449 4000 US (US Spanish Line)
• +1 669 216 1590 US (San Jose)


Additional Meeting Information

Guests are welcome to attend in-person or remotely. 

Commissioners must attend in-person unless they meet the current requirements for remote participation under the Brown Act and a sufficient number of Commissioners will be participating in-person to establish a quorum.

Commissioners wishing to participate remotely should contact Theresa Abah, Commission Chair, as soon as possible prior to the meeting. If you are seeking reasonable accommodations, please call 916-874-9598 or email 72 hours prior to the meeting.


  1. Welcome & Introductions by Chair — Discussion
  2. Roll Call by Secretary — No Action
  3. Request(s) for Remote Participation under the Brown Act (if any)
  4. Consent Items
    1. Approval of XXX Minutes
    2.  and XXX Agenda
  5. AAC Business & Initiatives — ACTION
    1. Report from representative of the County Board of Supervisors
    2. Liaisons:
      1. Human Services Coordinating Council
    3. Reports from SAS on
      1. Programs
      2. Contracts
      3. Local Age and Disability-Friendly Action Plan
    4. Reports from Ad hoc committee
  6. New Business — ACTION
  7. Reports — No action
  8. Commission Membership Changes — No Action
  9. Announcements — Open Forum and Discussion
  10. Public Comment (limited to three minutes per speaker) — No Action
  11. Future Meetings — Open Forum and Discussion
  12. Adjourn
