Relative Notifications

According to Federal Law PL 110-351, County Child Welfare Agencies are required to provide notification to any known relatives of children who have been removed from his/her parent/guardian within the first 30 days of the removal.  If you are a relative of a child you believe to have been removed from his/her parent/guardian, and you have not been notified, please contact us to discuss how you may be of help to the child and parent/guardian. 
Some of the ways you may help include:

  • Providing us with information about other relatives and how we can contact them;
  • Supporting the child and parent through this process;
  • Visitation with the child while in foster care;
  • Being considered for placement of the child;
  • Other ideas you may have regarding the situation;
Please contact us at 916-875-6972 to discuss these options with a social worker.  If you are calling long distance you may call “collect”.  Please know that contacting us does not obligate you in any way.

CPS 24 Hour Child Abuse Hotline
(916) 875-5437