In 2008, Sacramento County commissioned an independent review of Child Protective Services in response to an increase in child abuse deaths earlier in the year. The report was presented to the County Board of Supervisors on Mar. 31, 2009.
Concurrently, the Sacramento County Grand Jury conducted its own investigation into the causes of the increase in child deaths. The Grand Jury report was released in April 2009.
Both reports identified issues within CPS with recommendations for improvements. After adopting the majority of the recommendations, the Board of Supervisors directed Child Protective Services to submit regular progress reports about system improvements.
CPS is committed to demonstrating accountability on behalf of the children and families we serve. Sharing performance outcomes and improvement efforts support this goal.
2013 CPS Progress Report
2012 CPS Progress Report
2011 CPS Progress Reports and Final Work Plans
2010 CPS Progress Reports and Final Work Plans
2009 CPS Progress Reports