​​​​​​​​​P​rincipled          Respect          Innovation          Diversity and Inclusion          E​xcellen​ce​


The Senior and Adult Serv​ices Division​ (SAS) is committed to serving older adults and people living with disability by providing protection from abuse, neglect and exploitation while striving to preserve independence and self-determination. ​

To promote, protect and preserve the dignity of ​older adults and people with disability so they live with respect in caring, hea​lthy and safe environments, ensuring the highest quality of life possible.​ ​


Collaboration — Using teamwork and community partnership to bring about positive change.

Compassion — Demonstrati​ng heartfelt consideration of others with the desire to help.

Integrity — Doing what is right and honorable.

Quality — Striving toward excellence.

Service  — Ensuring competent, respectful and responsive assistance to all.

​Have you or someone you know experienced internet related fraud? 

Please watch the below two-minute video and go to the 

Internet Crime Complaint Center at www.ic3.gov​

​Senior and Adult Services Administration: (916) ​874-9598 ​

Adult Protective Services ​(916) 874-9377

Adult Protective Services FAX for Mandated Reporters (916) 854-9341

Foster Grandparent Program (916) 875-3569

In-Home Supportive Services (916) 874-9471

In-Home Supportive Services Fraud Hotline (916) 874-3836

In-Home Supportive Services Payroll (916) 874-9805

In-Home​ Supportive Services Public Authority (916) 874-2888

Public Administrator (916) 875-4491

Public Guardian/Conservator (916) 875-4467


