Adult and Aging Commission

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ 5 ​Over 50 Volunteer Award Application Form 

The Sacramento County Adult and Aging Commission honors volunteers age 50 and older who contribute to the health and vitality of the Sacramento County community through volunteer work.
Nominations are due by Friday, February 14, 2025. 

Two letters of reference are required (instructions for mailing the letters are in the application form).

Contact or (916) ​874-9598 with questions or to request a paper application form.

The Sacramento County Adult and Aging Commission is made up​ of volunteers who 
track aging trends, monitor services, and listen to input from service providers and the public. 

The Commission was created to report to the County Board of Supervisors about resources and needs concerning older adults and people living with disability, their families and support networks. 

The role of the Adult and Aging Commission is to:
  •  Advise the Board of Superviso​rs on matters relating to older adults and people with disabilities
  •  Promote development of services for older adults and people living with disability ​
  •  Inform older adults and their families about available community resources and services
  •  Build partnerships within the community
  •  Examine issues that impact older adults and people living with disability 
  •  Advocate for sustained human services programs and resources ​​​​​​​​​

Adult and Aging Commission Chair: ​Theresa Abah, PhD​​​

​Adult and Aging Commission Vice-Chair: Kristen Stauss​

​Adult and Aging Commission Staff Contact: Contessa Bunn at or 916-875-5156

Senior and Adult Services Administration: ​​​916-874-9598​

Contact the Adult Protective Services​ hotline regarding concerns about abuse, neglect, or exploitation: 916-874-9377


​Interested in Serving on the Adult and Aging Commission?

Application Form

2022 AAC Annual Report

Budget Feedback 2024-2025

AAC Bylaws

​​​​​Resolution No. 2000-24 (Establishing the Adult and Aging Commission)​​​​​

