Adult Protective Services


Adult Protective Services (APS) is a state mandated program dedicated to maintaining the health and safety of elders and dependent adults subjected to neglect, abuse, or exploitation, or who are unable to protect their own interests. An elder is a person 65 years of age or older. A dependent adult is a person between the ages of 18 and 64 who is unable to protect his or her rights, including but not limited to persons who have physical or development disabilities or whose physical or mental abilities have diminished because of age.


In addition to investigating allegations of abuse or neglect, Sacramento County APS assists elders and dependent adults of

Sacramento County in the following ways:

  •  Provides a 24-hour hotline to report elder abuse and neglect.
  •  Secure linkages and referrals for other county and community services such as public health assessment and counseling services.
  •  Advocate for clients in a variety of situations, for example, with landlords, doctors, hospitals, treatment programs and other social  services. 
  •  Arrange for direct services such as meal delivery, transportation and immediate assistance with emergency situations.
  •  Coordinate and consult with other providers to ensure the best possible service for the client.

Elder and dependent adult abuse includes: Physical abuse (assault/battery, constraint or deprivation, sexual assault, chemical restraint, and over or under medication), neglect (including self-neglect), financial abuse, abandonment, isolation, abduction, and psychological or verbal abuse.


How do I make elder or dependent adult abuse reports?

Any member of the public, including family members and friends, can make a report to APS by calling

​                                            (916) 874-9377​


For Mandated Reporters Only:

Man​​dated Reporter Forms

Mandated reporters have two options for making abuse and/or neglect reports to APS online:

To Qualify

​Not Applicable​


​Not Applicable

Contact Information

(916) 874-9377