Emergency Hotlines
Ombudsperson/Civil Rights CoordinatorTelephone: 916-875-2000E-mail: DCFAS-Ombudsperson@saccounty.gov
To apply for Cal Fresh, General Assistance, CalWORKS, Medi-Cal (health care eligibility), or other services contact the Department of Human AssistanceTelephone: 1-800-560-0976 or visit the Online Benefits Web PortalE-mail: DHA-Sac@saccounty.gov
To apply for health care subsidies or for questions about the health benefit exchange contact Covered California
AdministrationTelephone: (916) 874-4044E-mail: DCFASDirector@saccounty.gov
Child Protective ServicesChild Abuse Hotline: (916) 875-5437Telephone: (916) 875-0189E-mail: cpsinternetinfo@saccounty.gov, DO NOT use E-mail to report child abuse.
Public Administrator Telephone: (916) 875-4491
Public Guardian/ConservatorTelephone: (916) 875-4467
Adult Protective Services Elder and Dependent Adult Abuse Hotline: (916) 874-9377
Volunteer and Intern ServicesTelephone: 916-875-2027E-mail: Volunteer/Student Intern Services Office
Media Contact
For questions and comments about this site, contact the DCFAS Web Team.